Saturday, September 29, 2007

Winter Water Pipe Protection

There is scarce a more trying time on one’s new home than winter. One specifically difficult area to worry about is the water pipes in your house. Obviously, during the winter, it is important to keep these pipes shielded from the freezing temperatures; otherwise, you could have a very bad situation on your hands. This is all the more difficult if you are a first time homeowner.

If the water pipes in your home are not insulated and the temperature is less than 20 degrees, they are at serious risk of freezing and then bursting. A seemingly insignificant crack of only one-eighth of an inch is enough to let 250 gallons of water leak out each day and cause significant water damage in your home. Anything in the vicinity of this water is fair game, be it clothes, furniture, children’s toys, and other things of this nature. On top of soaked items in the home, this could cause danger to your home’s foundation, as the water can cause the foundation to rot, and any metal to rust. This is, of course, excluding the mold that would most certainly follow such a massive leak. The mold is considered by many the most dangerous of these afflictions brought on by water damage, as mold can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. While insurance companies do not cover damage caused by mold, they do, however, cover water damage to an extent.

It is important to know how to protect your home from these bursts. And one of the very first things to be done is to cover all indoor water pipes with insulation. You should make sure that warm air is capable of reaching your pipes during a deep freeze. This can be done by simply putting a space heater in the room with the pipes and opening the cabinets. But, be careful with those space heaters. If you leave them unattended for a long period of time, there is a chance for fire. And definitely do not keep them near anything easily flammable. And it’s also important that you don’t used extension cords, as there is an increased risk for fire, and a fire is worse than burst pipes.

You should check your house for any cracks that water could leak into, because when the water freezes, it will expand and cause further damage. You should also be sure that you disconnect garden hoses and keep a small portion of water running through hot and cold water faucets.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.


While Penicillin is a drug manufactured from mold and is used around the world to help fight infections, there are other kinds of penicillium molds that can cause disease. A species of penicillium that is native to Southeast Asia, has been known to cause infections in the region where HIV and AIDs have become epidemic and the condition resulting from these infections has been named Penicilliosis.

Penicilliosis is a kind of infection that is caused by the mold Penicillium marneffei and studies show that it currently the third most occurring opportunistic infection in individuals infected with HIV and AIDS in Southeast Asia. This fungus occurs in high numbers throughout the region and is generally restricted to the area.

As with all molds, it is a fungus at room temperature, but when it makes its way into the body and is heated up to body temperature, it becomes a yeast. The symptoms of such an infection can include skin lesions, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, anemia, and fever; abdominal pain has also been noted along with weight loss. Sometimes the skin lesions can appear on the ears, fingers, toes, genitalia, and on the face. Cases of pneumonia have been reported to occur, as well. The most often occurring symptom of penicilliosis is a skin rash that forms small bumps on the surface of the skin and they often have ulceration and this commonly happens on the upper part of the body.

While the mold that causes this condition is endemic to Southeast Asia, anyone traveling to the region is at risk to become infected; however, it rarely occurs in individuals who do not have a weakened immune system. Anyone who has HIV or AIDS is advised to either be extremely careful if traveling to the region or to not travel to the region at all.

Without treatment, these infections have quite a high mortality rate and even with treatment, the mortality rate hovers at around twenty percent. Before AIDS became an epidemic, cases of this mold causing any kind of infection were rare.

Biopses of lymph nodes, bone marrow, and skin lesions can detect the presence of the fungi. The fungal cultures that are grown from the swabbing of skin lesions or other samples taken from a person’s body are characterized by a flat green surface and a deep red color underneath. Antifungal therapy with amphotericin, followed by maintenance treatment with a drug called itraconazole is recommended.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Mold in the Bible

Insurance adjusters are terribly fond of telling people that mold has been around long before human beings walked the earth and that it is not as big of a deal as the modern day medical community is making it out to be, however what many of these people don’t know (or are banking that their clients don’t know) is that mold has been a problem ever since Biblical times and probably before.

The book of Leviticus speaks of a mold contaminated home in chapter 14:39-47. A priest was said to remove the stones in the home that were contaminated with mold and they were to be taken to a place outside of town that was used to dump things that were considered “unclean”. If the mold (or mildew) came back after all these stones were removed, then the entire house was to be torn down. It was considered to be a defiled place to live in and that also any clothing that was contaminated with it was to be shown to the priest and thrown away, as well.

The eighth plague of Egypt, the locusts, would have caused the Egyptians to collect as many crops from the field as possible and store them underground (where it is moist and dark). It is speculated that the reason for the deaths of the first born children of Egypt was mold that contaminated the crops and when fed to children, would cause disease and if enough was ingested, death. The Bible says that the eldest child received double portions of food in those times and a theory says that this is the reason that the firstborn alone died: he/she was the only child who had eaten enough of the mold for it to be fatal. Stachybotrys atra, along with other kinds of mold, releases mycotoxins and if this was present in the grain that the Egyptians stored underground after the plague of locusts, then anyone who consumed it would have become ill. It is said that the Jews living in Egypt at the time would have been eating herbs, unleavened bread, and lamb, which are supposedly safe from being contaminated by this mold.

So, if your insurance adjuster claims that mold was not a problem years ago and that mold has been around longer than we have, take a Bible and show him the book of Leviticus. Even if he’s not religious, seeing mold talked about in a text over 2,000 years old should be enough to take back his statements.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
New York mold remediation companies across the united states.

Keeping Mold Out of Household Items

If you have a water bottle or you are a parent who has baby bottles and you are constantly having to replace them due to the insides (or the lids) becoming moldy, there is hope. Sometimes the odd shapes of the bottles are what keep them from drying out completely and when they do not dry all the way, mold starts to grow. The best thing that you can do to prevent mold from growing in your baby bottles is to not even bother trying to dry the inside completely after you’ve washed them. Simply dry the outside, dry as much of the inside as you can, and then stick them in the freezer. Many people put things like flour and cornmeal into the freezer to protect them from mice, bugs, and other pests, so why not do this to stop mold?

Clothes can also be a good source of food for mold, but some people are at a loss as to what they can do to stop mold from growing in their closets. The first thing that you can do is not pack your clothes in the closet so tightly together. Allowing air to circulate through the closet and amongst the clothing will hinder the mold’s growth.

Tossing dirty, damp clothes or towels into the bathroom closet or on the floor anywhere and just leaving them there can also cause mold to grow. Mold needs moisture, warmth, and a source of nutrients.

Mold has also been known to grow in mattresses that have gotten wet and have been allowed to dry naturally. Mattresses that are re-used over and over, especially in baby beds, are unsanitary and should be thrown away if they are found to be contaminated with mold. A study that comes from New Zealand says that when mold gets into a mattress (particularly Scopularipsis brevicaulis) and begins to feed on the mattress material. The danger of this is that the mattress probably contains antimony, arsenic, or phosphorus are used as fire retardants by law in some places. The mold digests these chemicals and as all organisms do when they digest something, gases are released back into the air. These gases are toxic to human beings and it is speculated in New Zealand that this is the main cause of crib death and it is not “unavoidable”, as many North American studies claim.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Bible Talks About Mold

No matter where we are or what time we have lived in, mold has always been there to make us sick and to affect our property and belongings. Insurance companies are quick to tell you that mold is not that much of a health threat and that it has been around longer than we humans have been, but this is just an argument they use so they do not have to pay your insurance claim. If your insurance claims adjuster comments that mold has been around for thousands of years and that it is not a real health threat, whatever you do, DO NOT agree with him. Dispute it. If you agree to anything he says and even remotely say that you might not have a claim, you will not have a claim and you will receive no benefits. Be steadfast when filing your claim and if necessary, you can even cite the Holy Bible to show that mold has always been a health threat to human beings and their animals.

Leviticus chapter 14:39-47 states that mold living in a building was not to be tolerated. It blatantly calls the building “diseased” or “plagued”, depending on which version of the scripture that you read. Rabbis were sent into the homes to inspect them and if they were found to be infected, the stones in the house that had mold on them were removed and taken to a landfill of sorts far away from the village. The house was sealed up for 7 days and after that, the rabbi came back to see if the mold infection returned. If it did, all the building materials for the house were torn down and thrown into the same landfill the first stones were and it was rebuilt. Any clothing that had been contaminated with mold was shown to the rabbi and if it was found to be infected, it also was taken to that landfill.

Insurance companies can dispute the ill health effects of mold on the human and animal body as much as they want to, but the proof is there. The Bible states that mold was considered a problem and a cause of disease in ancient times and we should consider it no less today. If your landlord, insurance claims adjuster, or anyone else you are trying to make a claim with insists that mold poses no real threat to you or your family, disagree with them and get the money for the repairs or relocation that you deserve

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
New Jersey mold remediation contractor companies across the united states.

Tell Your Insurance Adjuster About Mold in History

Getting your insurance company or your landlord to repair the mold damage to your home or apartment is almost the equivalent of trying to pull teeth without going to the dentist and receiving no anesthetic. Most insurance policies do not cover mold damage to your home unless it is due to something that your insurance policy DOES cover, such as water damage (except when said damage was due to a flood). If you have a landlord and the property that you live on is infested with mold, getting the landlord’s attention and getting him to remedy the problem is sometimes a big problem by itself, even though the property does not belong to you.

Some landlords and insurance claims adjusters will tell you that mold is not as big of a problem as some media stations and remediation companies are making it out to be, but the fact is that the proof is there. All you have to do is research for yourself and the Centers for Disease Control and even the Holy Bible itself says that mold is a serious health threat. You do not have to look very far into the Bible to see its account of what mold infested homes used to go through.

Leviticus 14:37-49 says if you suspected that your home was infested with mold you were to do what anyone else who lived during that time would do for almost any problem occurring in their lives: you would visit the rabbi. The rabbi would come to your house, inspect it, and deem it either diseased or clean. If it was deemed to be diseased or “plagued”, everything was removed from the household. These items were taken far away from town to what the Bible calls an “unclean place”. The house was closed for seven days and the rabbi returned at the end of that period to see if the infection remained. If it did, the house was torn down, the building materials taken to that unclean place, and the home re-built. Clothing deemed contaminated by the rabbi was also thrown away.

So, no matter what any landlord or insurance claims adjuster might tell you, mold is a dangerous threat to yourself and has been a problem since ancient times. Do not agree with them when they tell you that the mold is not a health threat or that the contamination is somehow your fault. Remain consistent in your effort to file your claim or to get your landlord to fix the problem.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage restoration contractors and other states such as
North Carolina mold remediation contractor companies across the united states. (1)

Selling Moldy Real Estate

If you are trying to sell a house that is contaminated with mold, you probably have a pretty short list of possible buyers. You also probably do not want to lose any of those possible buyers and you want the transaction to go as smoothly as possible. There are a few tips that you can use when selling a home like this to make sure that you get the most you can possibly get.

You need to allow the buyer to inspect the house for themselves and find out what kind of mold exists on the property. An environmental inspection clause should be included into the sales contract. If you can have the mold removed from the home at your own expense without taking a huge profit loss, you should do so. A buyer will be much more quick to actually purchase the home from you if you are completely honest about the home’s condition. You will also be able to sell the home quicker if the mold inside it is not toxic. If you can prove that it is not via mold testing kits, then the sale will go by quicker.

Again, make no attempts to cover up the mold problem in the house. Do not be nervous about it. If it is beyond your ability to remove the mold, then tell the buyer so. Explain your situation. If they are sympathetic, they may or may not be more willing to purchase from you. If they suspect you are hiding something, however, they will likely walk right out the door.

In the final sales contract, you need to have a clause that releases you and anyone involved in your end of the deal from any legal liability due to the mold. This states that the buyer already knew that the mold existed on the property and that you are no longer responsible for its presence. Include that the home was sold to the buyer in an “as-is” state and that you are not responsible for the property nor is there any warranty on it, implied or otherwise.

List all past major damage that the home has suffered due to water damage or mold so that your buyer has a complete history. Giving this information to your buyer will show them that they can trust you and that you are hiding nothing from them. This should leave you on solid ground once the final contract is signed.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Mold Remediation and other states such as
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup companies across the united states.

Natural Ways To Kill Mold

If you are a person that likes to use organic products and remedies, then using chemically-based mold killers in your home is possibly a taboo subject, but what else can you do? Some people say that we have become far too dependent on chemicals to do what nature can do and they have found some natural ways to kill mold that you might not have thought of before and at least one of them should be readily found in your own kitchen cabinet, even if it is a little smelly.

The most available and cheap way to kill mold without buying a bunch of chemical cleaners is simply white vinegar. This method is pretty simple to use and it does not take a lot of effort to prepare it. Vinegar kills somewhere around 80 percent of the different kinds of mold that will grow in your home and even better, if you spill white vinegar onto your carpet or furniture, there is no risk that it will discolor it. It should kill almost any kind of mold you come across in your home or business and if it does not, you probably have a more serious contamination that you should not be trying to deal with on your own, anyway. The only thing that you will need for this is a spray bottle and a funnel. Pour a sufficient amount of vinegar into the spray bottle and spray it where you find it necessary. The only drawback to this method is that it will be smelly in your house for a few hours. It will go away before the day is over.

Tea tree oil can also kill mold, but it is a bit more expensive than vinegar. You should be able to find it at most health food stores and it will kill a few more kinds of mold than vinegar will. All you have to do with this one is take two teaspoons of tea tree oil and combine it with 2 cups of water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray where you need to. Do not rinse. The shelf life on this mixture is indefinite.

The last say is almost identical to the tea tree oil method. Take about 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract and combine it with 2 cups of water. Put it into a spray bottle and spray where you need to. The good thing about this method is that there is no smell.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage restoration and other states such as
New Jersey Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states. (1)

Mold in the Ancient World

If you live in an apartment or a home that has been found to be contaminated by mold due to no fault of yours, then you might have a good reason to speak with your landlord about the problem. Some landlords are quick to remedy the problem, but some are not and either try to blame the mold problem on you or they try to say that the mold poses no threat to your health or the health of your family and pets. No matter what they say, if you want to get any benefits from them, you will have to dispute anything that says mold is not a threat to you or that it is your fault. Agree that it is no threat or that it is your fault will get you absolutely nothing.

If you have to, you can even quote the Holy Bible on the fact that mold was considered to be a threat to the health of people and their animals in ancient times. It was common practice to visit a rabbi if you believed that your home was contaminated by mold and if it was found to be so by the priest, then everything in your home was removed and thrown into an “unclean place” far from where any people lived so they would not suffer from the contamination. The house was shut up for 7 days, says the scripture, and after that period of time had passed, the rabbi returned and re-examined the house. If it was still found to be diseased, the entire house was torn down and all building materials were taken also to that same “unclean place”. If you had any clothing that you thought might be infected, you were to take it to the rabbi, as well. If he deemed them unfit, then they were to be thrown to that unclean place, also.

It is also thought that the last plague of Egypt could be attributed to mold-contaminated food that had been stored underground to save it from the plague of locusts. The oldest Egyptian children of that time were given two portions of their meals and would have likely consumed enough of the molded food for it to make them sick at the very least. Jewish children were not afforded this and nor did they consume the same foods that the Egyptians did.

Be careful what you agree to when speaking with your insurance claims adjuster. Even if you are not Christian or Jewish, you can still quote these scriptures as evidence of mold being seen as a “disease” in times long past.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.